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This is the page for 148 Cowley Road.

<< 150 146 >>



Pizza Tops

September 2020

Caribbo's - international cuisine & cocktail bar

January 2020

One Kitchen café, by July 2020 Oxford Kitchen & Café

October 2019

Rayan bakery

 ?Date - 2019

This is Pastiche (spelt with the C backwards). The sign now says Lemon Mint (but it is still Pastiche)

 before?1999 - after?2010

This was MCM Computers. Thomsons Directory 1999 to 2010


Thomsons Directory 1988 and 1991 Freeman Financial Services


Kellys Directory 1969 to 1975 No 148 S Cowans turf accountant (later at No 144)

1930s - 1969

Kelly's Directory 1958 to 1969 No 148 Colorbrush Ltd wallpaper
Kelly's Directory 1952 to 1956 No 148 G Widger & Sons wallpaper
Kelly's Directory 1934 and 1943 Lyster Bros wallpaper


Before then? is a DIY community history - help us write it!

Do you know more about this business, or remember what was at this address before? Do you have any old photographs or memories to share? Please add them to the site! Here is a <a href="How%20to%20contribute">how-to guide</a>.
