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623 bytes added, 07:15, 7 February 2017
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December 2016: The Eau de Vie natural health centre has just closed, and its new occupants (the Thy Spa Thai massage centre) are moving in. The top half of the building is still painted in the dark grey 'chalk paint' of the previous business. The paint was supplied by Annie Sloan, whose headquarters are opposite at [[33 Cowley Road]].
 [[File:34-2016-12.JPG|frame|December 2016]]  ==2015== The Eau de Vie Natural Health Centre occupied this building from the mid 1990s until it closed in early 2016. It was owned by holistic therapist Lucinda Mahoney and used by a group of self-employed massage therapists and alternative healers. Its 'floatation room' was something of a local institution, in which stressed locals could float in a dark tank full of epsom salts. The door on the left of the building is the last trace of the separate flat which used to occupy the upstairs of the building. During Eau de Vie's time, the upstairs rooms were served by a separate electric meter.