This is the page for 21 Cowley Road.

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1995: Photographed by Martin Stott




This is Oxford's Grill Lebanese restaurant.


A 1995 photo by Martin Stott (right) shows the restaurant named as "Ma Belle" bistrot. It was at some point called L'Escargot run by Andre Chavagnon, the chef who opened La Sorbonne in the High Street in 1966, where several famous chefs such as Raymond Blanc began their careers.

It was 'Joe’s Café' during the 1990s and early 2000s, as listed in Thomsons Directory 1999 and 2008: "No 21 Joes Café".


Thomsons Directory 1988 No 21 Opta Press


Kelly's Directory 1972 to 1976 No 21 B E Miles, secondhand goods dealer


Kellys Directory 1969 No 21 Oxford Exchange Mart
Kellys Directory 1968 and 1969 No 21a K Huber 2nd hand goods (see No 265)
Kellys Directory 1966 and 1967 No 21a Mrs N Mannion 2nd hand goods (see No 39)

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