This is the page for 284 Cowley Road.

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Aromatic Herbal Shop
2017: Oly Lettings


Dream High recruitment services

2009 - 2017

Dec 2017 currently empty. Oly lettings have an address in Bullingdon Road
This was the Oly Lettings estate agents. First appeared in Thomsons Directory 2009


Thomson's Directory 1981 & 1984 No 284 Disco & C B City

1950s - 1970s

Kelly's Directory 1972 to 1976 and Yellow Pages 1979 No 284 Beechers ltd, television
Kelly's Directory 1970 No 284 ABC School of Motoring
Kelly's Directory 1952 to 1964 No 284 Miss Amy G West general shop


This was the "General Shop" of Miss Amy C. West [1]

Before then? is a DIY community history - help us write it!

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  1. Kelly's Directory of Oxford, 1932