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132 bytes added, 00:36, 8 September 2017
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== 1988: the Smith family tragedy ==
In March 1988, a pregnant woman and her twin sons were killed when a Landrover ploughed into them, also destroying the wall at the eastern corner of the church. Brian Price, who lived in Bowness Avenue, Headington, had had a heart attack and died at the wheel while the car was in motion. James and Robert Smith, aged five, died instantly; their mother Maria Smith, thirty-six, subsequently died of head injuries in the John Radcliffe Hospital. The family lived in Jeune Street. A daughter, Olivia, six, survived.<ref >"Runaway vehicle kills three of family." Times [London, England] 15 Mar. 1988: 2. The Times Digital Archive. Web. 7 Sept. 2017.</ref>
== Before then? ==


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